Changing the face of Abuse through Performing Arts

The non-profit will help to promote greater awareness, and open additional
avenues of communication regarding abuse, while guiding wounded individuals through affirmation, understanding, and comfort to inspire and free them from the quilt, pain, and shame that abuse often causes. IMPI will teach and work with men, women and children boosting their confidence in both their personal and professional lives. The impact of abuse within any family often has a greater impact on the self-awareness of the children witnessing many of the abusive activities. Performing arts will help relieve the pain, and often the grief they hold inside and offer the individual a method of expressing themselves. Individuals working cooperatively will write at least one original, creative, and informative play each year and this will be developed, produced and performed by our student groups, allowing for continued growth and exposure. In addition, we will extend to the community an opportunity to learn more about the literary arts offered through IMPI Inc. and teach underprivileged youth in the areas of public speaking and creative writing.

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